Did you know that there have been 11 major bottled water recalls since 1990?
This just shows you how unsafe bottled water can be.
Phthalates are chemicals used in many plastics to make them soft or flexible. They are widely used in the plastic bottles which hold the bottled water, and there are a number of phthalates which can affect the health. Studies have linked various phthalates to cancer, miscarriage, premature birth, asthma and can alter hormones.
BPA is found in polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. Polycarbonate plastics are often used in containers that store food and beverages, such as water bottles. They may also be used in other consumer goods. BPA can seep into food or liquids surrounded by plastics made by BPA, and this is a concern as it can affect the brain, behaviour and can pass onto foetuses.
Be careful - make sure to never drink bottled water that has been left in a car. This is because the heat reacts with chemicals in the plastic of the bottle, which releases dioxin into the water. Dioxin is dangerous as it is a toxin commonly found in breast cancer tissue, and can give you breast cancer. An example of this happening in real life is on the Ellen show, Sheryl Crow said that this is what caused her breast cancer. Bottled water in cars has been identified as the most common cause of the high levels of dioxin in breast cancer tissue...
There are actually too many chemicals to name in this piece, but I will end with a crazy fact...
In a recent study by German researchers, nearly 25,000 harmful chemicals were found lurking in a single bottle of water.
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