Tuesday 20 May 2014

The Impacts of Bottled water

FACT: In the US 1,500 water bottles are consumed every second.

Why is this bad for us?
The chemical used to make the bottle hard and clear is actually really harmful. If you consume it is said to sometimes lead to health problems such as cancer, brain problems and health problems in new born babies if consumed during pregnancy.

Why is this bad for the environment?
If you fill a plastic bottle ¼ full of liquid, this is about equivalent to the amount of oil used to make the bottle. It is also takes up a huge  of fossil fuels when it is transported. As well as this, we are actually just wasting water, as it takes three times the volume of water to manufacture one bottle of water than it does to fill it, and because of the chemical production of plastics that water is mostly unusable.
We found this out from an article by Norm Schriever on Huffingon Post: 

"Water bottles are made of completely recyclable polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastics, but PETs don't biodegrade, they photodegrade, which means they break down into smaller fragments over time. Those fragments absorb toxins that pollute our waterways, contaminate our soil, and sicken animals (which we then eat)."
Why is this bad for animals?
Maybe a look at the picture on the left will give you an idea why...

So why drink it?
There is one simple answer: don’t. All bottled water seems to do is harm. 1,400 children die every day from dirty water based diseases, while we sit here drinking the very same stuff that they lack in, but polluting the environment whilst doing it.

So please help the people impacted so badly by our water consumption at www.wateraid.org.uk


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